Hi there. 
My name is Silvio.
I’m a creative director and writer.
These are some of the things I’ve done for money.

I’ve statiscally proven that movie adaptations suck.

I won the Super Bowl. Kind of.

I urged a President to adopt a dog to avoid impeachment.

I helped create a new movie genre for the biggest retailer in the world.

Cars : check.

Beer: yup.

Social content: done.

Fighting hurricanes: of course, I live in Florida.

I like music and bars and cool illustrations, so doing these posters was fun.

I intervened a soccer field with tree stumps during halftime.

And highlighted a whole village with fluorescent paint.

Keeping it real for Verizon.

born in 🇦🇷      citizen from 🇦🇷🇮🇹      worked in 🇦🇷🇳🇿🇺🇸     permanent resident 🇺🇸